Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Men's Day Defintely Another Defining Moment...

What a treat we enjoyed in Red Deer April 14. The men of our congregation and some from Edmonton, Camrose and Oyen gathered to share in a day of fellowship. We heard some excellent testimonies, sang our hearts out and ate heartily (thanks to the Davenport ladies for cooking). The theme was simple...Defining Moments. Every man has that one defining moment when he knows for sure that God's hand is upon his life. Maybe we forget over time what God has done so it was good to be reminded. Paul Hillier shared three character sketches from the Bible of men whose lives were dramatically touched by God; Gideon, Saul of Tarsus (the apostle Paul) and Simon Peter. Tied to those stories were testimonials that we asked three men to share; Ken Brown, Lowell Hodgson and Darell Morgan. Each of these men bared their souls to us and spoke of how God came into their lives at particular points of time, the defining moments of their lives. There were some awesome stories about how God's hand has been in each of these lives. We shed some tears as we witnessed our brothers describing their times of brokenness and then how God rescued them. Paul Belliveau and Russ Ferris then helped me to wrap up these powerful sessions by drawing a few thoughts from selected scriptures for application. We were all reminded of how God has, is and will touch our lives very personally and powerfully.

Monday, January 29, 2007

I like rings but I hate wearing them. I wore my high school ring proudly for years (until I lost it) but I took it off to do just about everything. I took it off to eat, to write, to shave, to play hockey, even to go to the bathroom. So when I got married I told my wife she didn't need to give me a wedding ring. But, as you can see, she insisted.
For the first year or I wore it on a chain around my neck (no captivity symbolism intended). But that defeated the purpose of displaying that I was married in an obvious way to those who judge such things by looking at your ring finger. So I began wearing it on my finger and, of course, taking it off frequently to perform every little task.
Then came a summer day in Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan when I was helping the Church of Christ there with Vacation Bible School. A bunch of us were in Gerry Bell's back yard playing a harmless game of touch football while we waited for our BBQ supper to be ready. Of course, there is no such thing as a harmless game of touch football. While attempting to harmlessly bring down my friend Glen MacDonald, "Toby Tall" on my right hand got badly dislocated, broken knuckle and all. It swelled to the thickness of a ring of summer sausage. I ended up at the Gravelbourg hospital that night with all attention focused on the middle finger of my right hand. It was some time that night that I noticed my wedding ring missing from my left hand.
At first I was unconcerned, certain that I had taken it off before playing football or eating supper or some other activity that required digital dexterity, and put it in my pocket. But when I checked my pockets I did not find the ring. The next morning I checked every classroom and bathroom I had been in the day before. I looked in my car (yes, someimes I removed my ring in order to drive), my backpack, the church building, the school house, the Bells' house and the MacDonalds' house. The ring was nowhere to be found. My poor ring was stranded somewhere in Gravelbourg, of all places.
For the next year and a half I was without a wedding ring. It was no great disappointment for me to not have to take it off and put it back on incessantly but I felt bad about losing a gift my wife had given me for our wedding.
Then one day it serendipitously turned up in the bottom of our clothes dryer. I couldn't believe my good fortune! Ever since that day I have worn the ring on my finger to do everything and never take it off (except for the one picture you will see). I don't ever want to lose it again.
But there is an unfortunate result of always wearing my wedding ring. With the constant brushing up against objects, like the edge of my pants pocket when I'm getting something from it, the diamond eventually loosened and has gone missing. If you look closely at the photo you can see right through the hole where the diamond used to sit.
So why all this about my wedding ring? Just to remind myself, and anyone else who cares, that the condition of my marriage is in no way reflected by my ring. I am not more or less married based on whether I have a ring on my finger. The state of my marriage is measured by how much I cherish and nurture the relationship I have with my wife, not how fussy I am about the ring. The ring has deteriorated over the last 22 years, even the diamond has gone missing, but the marriage is stronger and more beautiful than ever. I can't think of anything that has been of more value to me than a loving, believing wife.
I could do without the ring, but I wear it always. I wear it to remind me to never take Jane for granted.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Forced Renewal... Thanks alot, Lord!

When God moved us into our new building 5 years ago, we had no idea what all he had in store for us. One thing we did know is that our congregation would never be the same. Many of the people in this photo are no longer with the Davenport Church or even in Red Deer anymore. But those of us who are have seen a lot of changes (besides that the building is now finished). But God has only begun with us. We have a whole new generation of young people coming up in our midst and a community around us growing by leaps and bounds that wants to connect meaningfully to God. A renewed effort is being made in our congregation to worship in our assemblies with fresh approaches in order to open ourselves up more than ever before to the Lord to whom we pledge our souls. A team of brothers and sisters whom the Lord has stirred to meet together will be planning worship assemblies by praying and opening our hearts and minds wide to God's Spirit. With what result remains to be seen. Why not be there to jouney with us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am when we gather as a church to worship?! Even better, why not join us at 68 Donlevy Avenue for our worship prayer and planning meetings at 7:00pm Wednesday evenings?! This is not a closed system. This is a group of God's children looking to their heavenly Father for a deeper relationship as a church family. If nothing else, please be praying for us.
More t'wards heaven in 2007,
John Smith

Monday, January 15, 2007

Youth Meeting

The teens went bowling Sunday afternoon (Jan. 14) hosted by Danny Mulrooney and Lowell Hodgson. While the balls were rolling and the pins were falling the wheels were turning to coordinate the youth activities for 2007. John Smith led a meeting with the parents to discuss plans. A few major events/trips in the upcoming months were identified as priorities to encourage the teens to attend. Then they set about to establish a regular schedule of group activities. It was agreed that there would be a weekly activity planned on a volunteer basis rotating from family to family. Also, there are city-wide youth events periodically in Red Deer in which we would involve our teens. Paul Belliveau agreed to schedule all this into some kind of calendar. A full list of activities was compiled by the teens and their parents. The first event is a skating/sliding/slurping hot chocolate party at Bower Ponds on Saturday, January 20 at 6:00pm. Bring skates, hot dogs, scarves, trash can lids... whtever you need to have a good time on the ice. Check back here for upcoming events and details. Contact Paul at 347-5633.

Turn Here, Indeed!

Welcome to the first posting for the Davenport Church of Christ in Red Deer, Alberta. We welcome you to check us out here or at our physical location on a regular basis. Information relevant to the church family will be communicated here in conjunction with our website. More importantly, reflections on the gospel of Jesus as it applies to the daily lives of people will be posted. When you need a bit of food for the soul, turn here. If you have a question you would like to discuss with someone who cares about spiritual things, turn here. If you are looking for a family of believers seeking to live in God's abiding presence, turn here. The Davenport church meets for assembly worship at 10:00am Sunday mornings followed by classes for all ages at 11:00am. Our purpose is in all things is to glorify God, embracing His Word, Spirit and Son. Whether this is what you are seeking to do or it raises curiosity and questions in your mind, we heartily invite you to turn here.