Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Men's Day Defintely Another Defining Moment...

What a treat we enjoyed in Red Deer April 14. The men of our congregation and some from Edmonton, Camrose and Oyen gathered to share in a day of fellowship. We heard some excellent testimonies, sang our hearts out and ate heartily (thanks to the Davenport ladies for cooking). The theme was simple...Defining Moments. Every man has that one defining moment when he knows for sure that God's hand is upon his life. Maybe we forget over time what God has done so it was good to be reminded. Paul Hillier shared three character sketches from the Bible of men whose lives were dramatically touched by God; Gideon, Saul of Tarsus (the apostle Paul) and Simon Peter. Tied to those stories were testimonials that we asked three men to share; Ken Brown, Lowell Hodgson and Darell Morgan. Each of these men bared their souls to us and spoke of how God came into their lives at particular points of time, the defining moments of their lives. There were some awesome stories about how God's hand has been in each of these lives. We shed some tears as we witnessed our brothers describing their times of brokenness and then how God rescued them. Paul Belliveau and Russ Ferris then helped me to wrap up these powerful sessions by drawing a few thoughts from selected scriptures for application. We were all reminded of how God has, is and will touch our lives very personally and powerfully.

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